Taking Space, Making Space

March is Women’s History Month, with International Women’s Day marked on  March 8th. As with, well, pretty much anything, there is much debate over whether this is justified, what or whose agenda it furthers, who it seeks to celebrate, and so forth. If nothing else, it serves as a reminder of the contributions of daily and historical importance women have made, and our importance in the fabric of society.

This period of discourse has reminded me of a thought that often works its way into my head surrounding the fact that, while I'm not aspiring to minimalism,  I am seeking to minimize my footprint of consumption.

As women, we are taught from a young age to minimize the space we occupy, minimize our voices, minimize our bodies. The space we are permitted to grown in, however, is in our consumption. Since the beginning of the retail explosion of the early 20th century, if not sooner, the power of a woman was found in her purchasing power. As much as 85% of purchases in the US today are made by women, for numerous noteable reasons, yet society has somehow perpetuated a degrading troupe of women with armfuls of shopping bags filled with frivolous purchases. It’s as if we’ve been told our worth is in our utility, not our creativity, aspirations, or interests.

So what about women, like myself, that take a stand to effectively take up less space? Those who strive to  use fewer things, live in smaller homes, or shrink our physical footprints?

Though I would not describe myself as especially defiant, I would say I am willful and a bit stubborn. By choosing to consume less, I wonder: am I playing right into the hands of the entities and expectations that tell me that, as a woman, I am less? What does it say about me that I would voluntarily “shrink” myself?

Though this is my choice, and not a path I seek to prescribe, does it implicate a deprivation of a means of expression? Does this introduce yet another form of divisiveness among our sex? Does it develop contest of who can go without, who has what skills, what time, and what interests?

I say all this because, reasonable or not, it poses an internal conflict for myself.

Surrendering space can be a bit scary or frustrating. It reminds me of Garrett Hardin’s Tragedy of the Commons which effectively says that, if I don’t use a resource, someone else will, and my efforts of conservation will be for naught.

But perhaps this can be reconciled if we recognize that, through limiting consumption, we are in essence promoting others, not diminishing ourselves. When we tactfully shrink our personal footprints, we enable and enlarge those of others in a beneficial way – our local farmers, shop owners, makers, neighbors. We are using that aforementioned purchasing power to indicate what it is we truly care about, where our interests lie. By using less, we can be giving more of ourselves.

To my like-minded ladies: we aren’t surrendering the park bench to the sweaty manspreading gym dude (or anyone for that matter, nothing against sweaty gym dudes), we’re just scooting over to fit five more friends.

So the question remains: how do I tangibly reconcile my demand to take less, but live big?

Fortunately, I find the efforts to be quite compatible. Working to consume less does not necessitate a retreat from public or corporate expression, but a shift in the way one could impact their sphere. Conscious consumption & general awareness facilitate:

  • The growth of healthy local communities
  • Celebration of the true value of material goods
  • Support of local businesses
  • Voicing concerns and opinions to legislators
  • Making your space shared space – community gardens, parks, libraries, community centers, restaurants

So yes, I may be making a decision to live small in a way that is threatening to those who rely on my consumption to support themselves. That’s not the point, but I suppose it is a consequence.

The bigger point is that an effort to consume less is not one that represents retreat, acquiescence, or some kind of forfeiture of existence. It’s a way of taking ownership of our decisions and using our influence to leverage the change we want to see.

Additionally, here’s a compilation of Women’s History Month events in NC from the Division of Natural and Cultural Resources


14 thoughts on “Taking Space, Making Space

  1. Wow!! Very insightful. This really made me think 🙂 My husband and I are moving, and even though we are getting a little more space (we both work from home now, so are home all the time and using a tiny space for many purposes) we have really downsized the ‘stuff’ we have. I was actually really impressed with how little we had to throw out – both because we took the time to donate and reuse, but also because we simply have ‘downsized’ what we ‘buy over time’. Thanks for living this way – I think that if we do, we can also encourage others – and set an example. Thanks for sharing your very insightful thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind comments and best of luck with your move! I’m encouraged to hear about the consideration you’ve given to what you have, what you’re getting rid of, and how you’ve gone about it.


  2. I love this! Really by choosing to consume less, we are by no means calling ourselves less. We are instead choosing priorities. Our stuff does not define who we are. But if we focus on relationships and growth, we can come out that much stronger.
    I know you aren’t specifically looking at minimalism, but the minimalist documentary on Netflix has some awesome thoughts.


    1. Thanks! I saw the documentary last summer in theaters and really did appreciate many of the points. A good recommendation. I recall a part where they were saying minimalism isn’t about just getting rid of everything (if you can’t part with your personal library, then don’t), but instead honing in on what it is that really has meaning to you and being conscious of that. Like you said: choosing priorities.

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      1. Right! It’s about letting go of unnecessary clutter, and keeping what is necessary, what has purpose to you specifically, and what brings you joy. If you just threw everything away it would be stressful, but ask yourself if something brings you joy. If it’s more stressful to keep it, then get rid of it.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. A very well written piece and thought provoking too. Never thought about minimalism in that way. For me, minimalism started with the book Stuffocation byJames Wallman, and he focused on experiencialism with intriguing opinions on social history, psychology and economics. I’m about having less stuff but doing (and saying) more. Thanks for posting. Have followed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and thank you for a book recommendation – I’ll have to add to my list. Just finished Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture by Ellen Ruppel Shell, perhaps one you may find to be in the same vein.

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  4. Great post! I love what you stand for…. non-commercialism and less waste. That is beautiful. Something i have always admired, and strive to live like. My dream is to have a tree house home. Maybe someday! Thank you for sharing. Beautiful words!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a thought-provoking post! I’m a bit like you in that I don’t identify as a minimalist, but as someone who aims to reduce their consumption. I don’t think about it as living “smaller” though. For me, it’s about redirecting my time and money to bigger and better things – like the examples you gave around supporting local communities. I think focusing on minimalism – on what’s being taken away – lends too much credence to the mainstream narrative that it is our things and our consumption that define us.

    Liked by 1 person

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